Here are some presentations on the subject of Noah's Ark for your review.

Noah's Ark - Chaos Vs Order

Our Great God is a God of Holiness and Order. How does this theme of "Holiness and Order" work with the story of Noah and the flood throughout the world?

Most in this world dismiss the flood story as a myth and maybe, just maybe there is a real justification for this feeling.

Those who trust in Adonai and His word, know better.

Let's investigate why the world feels the story of Noah and the Ark is a myth and why God's People believe in the truth of the Flood.

As a additional fascinating item, we need to understand why Jesus said His return would be like those days of Noah. It is an intriguing study and I am sure you will learn new and wonderful things about god and His precious truthful word!


Noah's Ark - Salvation

The story of Noah's Ark is a lead in to the real story of Salvation for mankind.

In the New Testament, Peter writes about a time of trouble coming on the world that will be like that of the flood of Noah.

Is this the ONLY parallel for Salvation or are there other stories?

Let's investigate and see the depth of Salvation from the flood of Noah and see the power of faith from His Holy word.


Angels - Havdalah The Separation

Havdalah (separation) of Holy and Profane

God is Holy and no profane thing can be near Him. He is a consuming fire and will destroy all unholy things. Isaiah 6:3, Revelation 4:8, Psalm 99:5, Habakkuk 2:20

As followers of Yeshua, we are asked to be separated from the world. Isaiah 6:3, Revelation 4:8, Psalm 99:5, Habakkuk 2:20

The Holy and the profane cannot mix. They cannot coexist. Joshua 23:7, Ezekiel 24:13, Daniel 2:43, 1 Corinthians 5:9

One day Adonai will separate the good from the bad. Matthew 25:31-33, Matthew 13:49, Nehemiah 13:3

Matthew 13:49 So it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come forth and separate the wicked from among the righteous 50 and throw them into the fiery furnace;[h] in that place will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.


Angels - Unidentified Flying Objects

The world is caught up in theories and wild ideas that sound plausible to them. The World will not esteem God’s word nor see it as God’s truth. The world does not desire to know or understand God’s truth, and lends itself to superstition of many kinds.

God’s word is the exclusive resource for truth. The more people know, the more they can discern the spirits.

World view of angels will always be incorrect, because the enemy deceives and distorts the truth. But one must be careful not to bring in the world garbage when considering Adonai’s Created angels.

If we ignore supposition, preconceived notions, old wives tales or images from Hollywood, we will see something amazing. The angels contrived of fables are feeble, weak, and effeminate. But the angels designed by God are strong, powerful, graceful, and effective.

Could Yeshua return on His Chariots and the world thinks it is an invasion of aliens?
